WordPress 6.1.5 running X – Child Theme, should I upgrade to WP 6.4.3?


I have several upgrades to make. I have a backup of the website, but would like to know if there are any known complications:

  1. When moving from WP version 6.1.5 to 6.4.3 for those who use the X-Child Theme?
  2. Additionally, are there any challenges when upgrading from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8?
  3. Lastly, are there any potential issues when updating to the latest version of Envira Gallery if I currently have Version 1.9.8 installed?

Hello @DevTeamKillian,

Thanks for writing to us.

There is no issue with WordPress version 6.4.3 since I have tested the X theme version 10.4.11, WordPress version 6.4.3, and PHP version 8.2.4. I would suggest you please take a backup of the database and files before upgrading the theme, WordPress core, and plugins. Please note you must purge all the cache after updating the theme. In case you have not seen the theme update doc please have a look at it.

Hope it helps

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