Woocommerce related products not showing


I am working on a woo store and when a product is made to be a variable product the related products section does not show on the individual product page.

Here is a link to a variable product page https://cx4.acf.myftpupload.com/product/ace-and-cecilia-cheung/, which I have even gon into the product settings and specified specific liked and cross sell products. But none show.

Here is a link to a simple product page where there related products show normally. https://cx4.acf.myftpupload.com/product/product-1/.

It seems to me that this is a woo template issue within the theme. I also note that the woo templates for Pro have been outdated for as long as I can remember. Are there plans to get these up to date? How can I get my related products to show correctly on the variable product page?

Thanks for your help.



Hello Matt,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your given product page URL it seems that your related product is showing at my end. It might be the browser cache issue at your end. I would suggest you purge all the cache and clear your browser cache and then check it again. It would be best if you could open it in the private mode of the browser.

Please find the screenshot in the secure note.


Hi Prakash,

Yes, I have got the recent posts working, but they are randomly populated based on products in the same category. I would like to be able to specify which products are linked, which is possible in woo but they do not show up in in the related products area. Is there a way to get the upsell/cross sell linked products to populate within the template?

I figure I might be able to do this with the new layout builder, but when I try to build a page with the layout builder I cannot get the woo addons for name your price, and for variations, to show up in the layout. These aspects dont seem to have a dynamic string available. Is there a way I can include these pieces in a layout?

Thanks for your help.



Hello Matt,

Related Products is a section on some templates that pulls products from your store that share the same tags or categories as the current product.
Screen Shot 2021-02-27 at 12.40.54 PM

Cross-sells are products that you promote in the cart, based on the current product.

Up-sells are products that you recommend instead of the currently viewed product.

Please insert the WooCommerce element that you want to display. And you may also check out this documentation:

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