Woocommerce; How to pick what is shown on the product summary view

I am understanding here that the idea of dynamically picking a graphic is simply not an option at this point.

I just wish we had not chased this option if it was never really there at all.!

What is the aprox. release date?

Yes it seems they support ACF, so will explore this. Thanks for the links.


Hi @flashfog,

As my colleague says, that it will be releasing soon with the next updated version of the theme, but there is no ETA till now. Also please let us know, how the Essential Grid and the Grid plugin works for you.


I am following this tutorial. The Meta Data Handling menu however does not appear on the left as indicated ( as shown here) .

Instead, this is what I see.

Please let me know how to enable.


Hey Alfredo,

The menu doesn’t apply anymore in Essential Grid 3.0.6. It has been moved to the Global Settings.


Hope that helps.

ok thanks!

Hi Alfredo,

You are most welcome.

HI. I want to revisit your statement in this text, part of this thread;

The product featured image, product title, etc will not display anything while you are editing the global block. You must use the shortcode on the product page first before it can display the product details. On the other hand, if you want to display something specific, you can supply the ID of the product and it will be displayed”.

Does this meant that I can generate the equivalent of a short code, that I can place inside any HTML? …something which will output any specific product-relevant piece of information? for example full price, sale price, product title, all woo fields. ? how can I also make this true for ACF Pro’s entries?

Thank you

Hi @flashfog,

Yes, you can generate a shortcode and just added the product ID inside the shortcode and you can place it inside any HTML.

On the other hand, you can create ACF entries inside your product and display it in the front-end without modifying the template, please check this docs on how to display ACF without modifying the template.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

Great… Can we go into detail on how to generate text for all the possible variables that woo tracks? in other words what are all the possible fields i can display and how.

…and the syntax that marries that code to a specific product ID ? examples?


Hi Alfredo,

If you are using the WooCommerce shortcodes, you can find the details here in this article: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-shortcodes/#section-10.
And if you are using the dynamic content shortcode, you can get more details here in this article: https://theme.co/docs/work-with-dynamic-content#how-to-add-dynamic-content

Hope that helps.

This article explains functionality which later turned out could not be used in the global blocks. This discovery took 4 days and 10 messages back and forth.

“With the current theme release, the dynamic content has very limited options.”

Then you sent me for the ACF pro / grid generator option, which in theory should work, but training materials are very outdated, so much has changed that using them is useless. I could not find a single video or article that addresses how to create a product view using woo / acf / any grid, just really old videos covering various bits separately. And to do this using global blocks? forget it, no specific materiales on how to do that, even though we already know there are caveats.

Hours and hours later I decided maybe I should revisit the shortcode option. I remembered that statement;

" “ The product featured image, product title, etc will not display anything while you are editing the global block. You must use the shortcode on the product page first before it can display the product details. On the other hand, if you want to display something specific, you can supply the ID of the product and it will be displayed ”."

Which gave me hope that maybe I can get dynamic text to work, if I do something different, that is, if I deal with the limitations imposed by global blocks and I can clarify what " You must use the shortcode on the product page first before it can display the product details." means.

…But when I tried to get help on that, to get to specifics ("…how to generate text for all the possible variables that woo tracks? in other words what are all the possible fields i can display and how. "), I got sent to the very same article referred on your first reply, 6 days ago. These are fair questions (please see link).

Displaying a product with text that explains things about it, based on it’s product ID should not hurt this much. This is more like pulling teeth. Should I just hardcode the summary product views?

Hey @flashfog,

My colleague sent links the same as the previous reply because the answer is there.

Click the Dynamic Content button in the fields it is available. Don’t worry about syntax as you can click on the available WooCommerce Dynamic Content and it will be automatically inserted into your content. The syntax documentation as the Dynamic Content interface acts as a guide on what’s available and we discourage writing the Dynamic Content code manually.


Hope that helps.

Ok, here is me trying to populate a headlined with the product name (the same displayed here).

On this video I go looking for what i assume would be called 'Product Name" , “Product Title”, or similar. I can’t find that. What am I doing wrong ?

Thank you

Hello @flashfog

To display the Product title or Product name you can use this code in the text element “{{dc:post:title}}”. It would display the Product name or you can say Product title because Products are also kind of posts so it would display the Product title.

Hope it helps

Is there really no publicly available list of all the items I can address? What for example if I want to access the stock status? would I have to contact you for each and every item?

Sorry to be a pain, I am simply not understanding this approach to support. Is there a secrecy consideration here that I simply not aware of?

Hello @flashfog,

Regretfully there isn’t any public or private list of all the item information for a product. There isn’t any secrecy or anything either. What is available in the Dynamic Content WooCommerce option is only limited to what we have at the moment. We will take note of your issues and add more items to the option in future development as a feature request.

Thank you for your understanding.

ok… basically this feature is not ready for prime time.

My advice is to modify your dynamic content document to reflect what has been learned here today. This would save other users from this headache. It cost my customer a week, me, many non-billable hours, and it distracted Themeco’s team. I am personally exhausted from this whole thing.

I do think this functionality is expected when building custom e-commerce solutions. Thanks for staying with me through all the questions.

Hi @flashfog,

Thanks for the feedback. It is duly noted. I will pass it to the person in charge of the documentation articles.


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