I’ve already tried following that thread, and did as you instructed and this does not work. Again, I’m baffled that there is no guide on how to do this with clear instructions. What I’m asking for is very simple:
The user starts here on /shop/. Parent categories show properly using the built-in looper functions. Why does it show the same image for every category and not the actual category’s image? I have no idea. Was going to address that in a separate thread. But at least the categories show here…
If they click a parent category with sub-categories, they get this useless page, which inexplicably is paginated despite nothing being on page 1. Subsequent pages show products from the category. What this page should show is sub-categories of the parent category. That’s it. But it doesn’t. I’ve tried all the tricks in the thread you pointed to. It doesn’t work (though me and the OP of that thread are trying to accomplish different things). How do we make this happen?
Again, this is standard Woo functionality. You’re getting asked this a lot. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to just write up a guide ONCE and then not have to keep answering support inquiries about this? Custom WooCommerce archives pages are useless to anyone using sub-categories out of the box.
So I ask, could you explain in non-developer terms how to make this happen?