Woo: Equalize Height of Product Rows on Shop Page

Hi there,

The varying length of the product names is throwing off the standard “row” look the client desires, making it feel more like a masonry style.

Is there anyway to standardize either the size of each product entry, or set a standard row height or other to overcome this with CSS or other?

HI there,

Thanks for writing in! Try adding the following code in the Theme Options > CSS:

.woocommerce li.product .entry-wrap {
    min-height: 115px;
    padding-bottom: 5px;
.woocommerce li.product .entry-header h3 {
    font-size: 17px !important;

@media screen and (max-width: 979px) {
   .woocommerce li.product .entry-header h3 {
        font-size: 15px !important;

If you would like to learn CSS, I am sharing few resources that you take a look to get started with CSS and an interesting tool that you can use to speed up the development process.

I recommend you to watch following video that will help you to get started with CSS.


Sometimes it can get a bit difficult to find out the right selector to be able to write the required CSS codes. A handy tool that can help you in this is Google Chrome dev tools. I am sharing the resource that you can refer to get started with dev tools.




Hope this helps!

Thanks this worked perfectly! Appreciate it.

Glad we could help.


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