Why is defailt text in Pro black

My Customiser settings for text is dark grey but every text block i open starts with black. Classic text is in the correct dark grey. Why is this not correlating with my default settings??

How can I set the default setting for the new text to be something I want and not something I do not want and have to change every time I add a text block


Hey @VelocityWeb,

The Classic Text and all classic elements will get the setting from Theme Options. For V2 elements, you need to first create an Element preset then set that preset as default for an element. For more details, please see https://theme.co/apex/forum#element-defaults


Hi thanks for that. The link you included is bouncing back to the Forum page for some reason can you check it please.

Hi there,

Please check it here under Element Defaults:

Hope this helps.

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