Website Changes Not Visible When Visiting Site Logged Out of WordPress

Hi there!

I have noticed that my website is not showing the changes I have been making in Cornerstone. My changes (new static home page) are only visible when I am logged into Wordpress.

Right now, when visiting the site as a normal user, you only see the old home page. Also, the scroll feature is disabled - I am not sure if that is rooted to the same issue.

At this point, I’ve changed and saved the static home page using the General > Reading setting.

I’m not sure what to do to make the site reflect my new saved changes.


Hi There,

Upon checking your page the live content is being generated by Endurance Page Cache

The Endurance Page cache plugin is a plugin activated automatically by Bluehost. It may cause your visitors to see the mobile theme on their desktop browsers and vice versa. To resolve the issue, please contact Bluehost .

Hope it helps

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Hi Joao,

Thanks so much for your insight and expertise!

I’ve never heard of Bluehost before and don’t believe we’re using it on our site…we use Hostgator for hosting, and Godaddy for our domain provider. Is it possible Edurance Page Cache is being used by one of these providers?

Hi again,

I checked your site and indeed the content is being served by the cache, You can purge the cache from WP admin panel and access the Endurance Cache settings via Caching > Cache Settings > Endurance Cache

Make sure to first purge the cache and turn it off via settings.


Hi Nabeel!

Thanks so much for your comment - that removed the issue of the incorrect home page displaying.

Now, the correct home page is showing - but it is not reflecting what we have created in Cornerstone. Instead, it shows the early version of the page before it was completely finished. When I go to edit the page in cornerstone, it looks exactly as it should.

For some reason, the edited version in Cornerstone is not what displays when the site is visited by someone logged out of the WP admin.

Is this also a caching issue?

Hey @LoveThriftUSA,

Yes, it is caching. Especially aggressive caching. Here’s an example. You will see in that screencast that caching is cleared several times after editing in Cornerstone.


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