Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed error appearing on site

Hello folks,

I’m having an issue with my site. I updated X to version 7.0.2 and now the following error on my homepage only.

Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 20 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mine\wp-content\plugins\cornerstone\includes\classes\components\class-shortcode-finder.php on line 227

Thanks for the help in advance.

Hi @Dingole,

Thanks for reaching out.

I can’t reproduce this issue on my installation with the same X 7.0.2 and 4 major versions of PHP. But I added some regex fix similar to this which will be available on next release.

But in case you’re on very old PHP version, could you try updating them too? Please try 5.6 or greater.


Hi @Rad,

That could be, i’ve been working locally so that might be the issue.

Luckily I’m able to revert my back-up and see if i cant switch my php version.

Thanks and sorry for the late reply, wasn’t notified of your response.

Glad we could help @Dingole.


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