Vimeo embedded video play/stop buttons don't work

I embedded a vimeo video and the play and stop buttons don’t work. Vimeo is unable to recreate the problem. If a person clicks directly on the video it will start or stop, but that is counterintuitive.

Here is the page I embedded it on:

The page is currently published for troubleshooting but I will take it down soon.

Hi CynthiaAllen,
The problem is that Row 3 is overlying on the video controls, that’s why you can’t click on play/pause button. Please check this screenshot:

I suggest adding a top margin for this row (let’s say 5em) and removing the top margin you added for the button (the 2.3em). I’ve duplicated the page as a draft and created a working example for you so you can check it here.


Thanks. I will give that a go.

You’re welcome.

I have another related question. No matter how big I make the embed code in Vimeo, the video stays the same size in Wordpress. What am I missing? I’ve played with margins and borders, etc.

Hi Cynthia,

There is a 500px max width set to the video element Frame settings.

Please refer to the screenshot below:

Also, you have large padding and margins set to the container which limits the size of the video as well because the video size also depends on the space its container has.

Hope this helps.

Very helpful. Thanks you.

You’re most welcome, Cynthia.

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