Video element: Specify Order of loading on page, and have a Loading icon / animation / bar appear while the video is being loaded

Hey there,

Is there any way to tackle these issues:

  • want to have a locally hosted hero video
  • trying to use native pro elements
  • so built a header with one bar with the video in it (using a DIV, with the video element + source being a locally hosted mp4 file)…

Now the issues i’m intersted in addressing are:

  1. load time… is there a way to specify that the rest of the page (sections without the video element, rather than the header) gets loaded first ?
    Is there a way to specify the load order of sections on a page (eg. I could move the video element into a section, instead of a header bar)… feature request?

  2. while te mp4 file is loading, how can let the viewer know that something is happening?
    ie. have a animated icon spinning, or a progress bar?
    … feature request for Pro Video element?

the rest (non video part) of the page would load,
then the section/ video element / content would load
and while it is loading (say it’s 15MB and takes 15 seconds), the user sees a spinning icon or little progress bar to know something is happening (not looking like a broken website)

Is there an approach using native PRO elements that might work.
Am really trying to avoid the layerslider / slider revolution path (that do have the progress spinners while videos load)… and stick to native PRO elements.

Header is Sit Nav BG Video

And secure note for login follows if helps

Thanks is advance for any direction (happy to rebuild using other native Pro elements to try to achieve same outcomes)

Cheers Simon

Hello Simon,

Thank you for the inquiry.

There is no built-in loading or spinner icon option nor is there a way to specify which sections to load first, but you can upload a poster image which will display before the video loads. Have you tried uploading a video poster?

You might be able to use the poster option to emulate a loading or spinner icon, by uploading an animated GIF image.

Warm regards.

Feature requests - please.

We’ll forward the thread to our channel. Have a nice day.