Video does not fit to width of screen in landscape mode

Hi, I have a video player with an embedded youtube video that is being displayed partially off screen on some mobile phones in landscape mode (photo below). It appears to work on devices up to 800px wide in landscape and desktop sized screens, but not inbetween these two sizes.

Any way you could help me figure out what’s going on? I’m providing the credentials in a secure note.

As always, thank you so much for you help.

Hi @Web_Services,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I checked your setup and you’ve given a fixed width to your embed code which was causing the issue in the devices which had lower resolution than 800px (see screenshot)


I went ahead and changed the width from 800 to 100% to make the iframe responsive in all screen resolutions.

Hope this helps!

Thanks! Your edit helped with some screen sizes, just so you know in the end I ended up solving by setting a custom video height for each different screen size (small phone, medium phone, tablet) :slight_smile:

You are most welcome!

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