Video background on Iphone


It’s an old issue but i stumbled on it again while working on a background video in a row.

Videos in background are not working on a iphone or some version of safari on macos because the shortcodes does not generate the “playsinline” attribute in the video tag which is needed for safari on iPhone or macOS.

I already talked about it this topic : Video background on Iphone (resolved)

I resolved the issue by editing and overriding the shortcode in the video-player.php file but every time i set up a new website i have to do it again and i think it would be very helpful to fix it for other people.

Thanks !

Hello @popoche,

Thanks for writing in! You do not need to edit the shortcode in the video-player.php file. Just use a child theme and place the code in the child theme’s functions.php file. Every time you do a fresh install, also upload the child theme and you will be all set. No editing of the files is needed.

Best Regards.

That’s exactly what i am doing but i have to check if the shortcode has changed with an update in the core files not to mess with something, and i think it would be a good thing to add the change to the core file…


Hello @popoche,

Please note that the code provided in the above thread serves as a guide only and is to help you in getting started so implementing it and maintaining the code will be out of our support scope and for further maintenance for new possible versions of the theme that may cause the customization to break, you will need to hire a developer or you can subscribe the One where customization questions are answered.


I understand but i’m just asking if it’s possible to add this fix in a future update :wink:

Thank you for your suggestion @popoche

This is a bug that should really be fixed.
Video background are not working on iphone it’s a big deal :confused:

Here is a test link with a mp4 video in a row’s background :

It’s working fine on desktop but not on iPhone (tested with iphone Xs and iPhone 12, everything up to date)
On iPhone we can only see the poster because there is no “playsinline” attribute on the video tag.
Can it be added to a future release ? Thanks.

Hi @popoche,

I will add this to our feature request tracker so that it will be taken into an action in the future.

Thank you.

Thank you very much !

Hi @popoche,

You’re welcome! If you have any other concerns or clarifications regarding our theme features, feel free to open up a new thread.

Thank you.

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