Using Pro headers for "online course"

I’m researching the feasibility of using native Wordpress, Pro, and Memberpress to create courses within my site. I believe I can achieve the “look” of a course by creating a left sidebar Header, with several accordion elements. I’ve been playing around with something like this:

My question is: Is it possibly to have a configuration like this where the left sidebar remains on the page, while the content to the right is reloaded? For example, if a user clicks a link inside the accordion, I want the accordion to remain unchanged, and have the link load the content into the right side.

Right now, if a link is selected in the accordion, the whole page is reloaded.

I’m looking for what we used to do in the 90’s using HTML frames.

Hello @Bizfound,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

As you are looking to reload only a section or portion of website, it’s something that out of the scope of support we can offer as it’s something that’s custom to your specific requirement. However I can share few resources that you can take a look and hopefully can act as a good pointers:

Thanks for understanding and hope above resources points you in right direction.


Those are helpful links. I suspected AJAX would do the trick. Thank you for the help.

You are most welcome. :slight_smile:

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