Using cornerstone as my builder with a WP theme

Can I use cornerstone as my builder with the themes that WP installs? I’m creating a simple single page site and don’t have a need for more than the basics. However, I use PRO for several other sites and like the cornerstone builder. This would give me options for adding to the site in the future.

If I cannot use cornerstone with the WP provided themes, can I upgrade my recent cornerstone purchase to X or Pro? Would that be an in perpetuity license?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Sally,

Thanks for reaching out.
You can use the Cornerstone as a Page Builder with any themes, but you need to purchase it separately. If you are using X or Pro the Cornerstone will come automatically with those.

Hope it helps.

Hi and thanks for the reply.

I’m trying to get cornerstone to work with the WP 2024 theme. I don’t seem to be able to stop the theme’s page builder from getting in the way.
I have several PRO licenses and just don’t need all of the extras for a simple 1 page site.
do I need to code around the theme as illustrated on the cornerstone documentation page?

Hi Sally,

I am really sorry that I am not able to understand your point here.

I’m using the wordpress 2024 theme. I am able to create text but not the look other than what seems to be the theme default. I think that means i should give up using cornerstone without X or PRO.

Can I upgrade my license from cornerstone to either X or PRO?

Hello Sally,

Regretfully we do not have a package that you can upgrade your Cornerstone license to either the X or Pro theme. If you have just purchased the Cornerstone license, you can ask for a refund in CodeCanyon and then purchase the X theme from ThemeForest. They are under the same company Envato by the way.

Hope this helps.

Thanks. Just submitted the request.

Hi Sally,

Thanks for letting us know.

Just wondering the best way to get an answer to my request. Haven’t heard via codecanyon or envato.

Hey Sally,

We have no control about the refund request about X because Envato team will handled it. I highly suggest reaching them again.

Thank you.

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