User's My Account page design & layout

H there,
We need to change the User’s “my account” page design & layout to look as it does in other themes (Store Front, Hello, 2016, Flatsome and many others…
Hope you can help us with that

Store Front



Hi @DC-Team,

Our X/Pro theme doesn’t override the My Account page template of WooCommerce plugin.

You need to take a look at this article to customize your page account page:

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Thanks @thai but please look again @ the screenshots above - on our site X seems to override the default My Account page template of WooCommerce plugin… When we switch from X to any other theme My Account looks as it should

Hi @DC-Team,

X actually does not override the actual contents of the My Account page but it uses different CSS codes to display the elements on the page. If you want to change the layout of the My Account page, you will have to write some CSS code to achieve the layout you are aiming for.

Hope this helps.

Can you please send the CSS needed so all My Account Pages design and layout would look as the default WOO plugin as seen in Frontstore? (2017 and many other WP themes) We tried with no success…

Hello @DC-Team,

Please understand that X have built in a custom css to display the My Account page according to the stack’s (integrity, ethos, renew or icon ) unique design. Having to design it in a completely different layout falls under custom development. Regretfully, your particular customization request is outside the scope of our support as this is not related to an issue with the theme and instead has to do with your customization of it. As such, you will need to investigate this particular issue on your own or seek help from a developer should you not feel comfortable making these changes yourself. If you have any further questions about the theme, we are more than happy to provide you with assistance on these inquiries.

Thank you for your understanding.

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