Use post body in consumer looper

This I think is a pretty basic question, but I can’t seem to find an answer (in docs or forum). Apologies if you’ve answered this a million times already.

Is there a way to use the post content in the consumer? I tried excerpt and cranking up the length, but it strips all HTML (including paragraph breaks). How can I add my post body to the loop?

Hi @coxdigitalarts,

Thanks for reaching out!

Are you trying to output the_content() function inside your looper consumer? If yes, I just want to let you know that there’s no dynamic content to display the_content() function inside the looper consumer. That being said, in order for us to display the the_content() function, we need to create a shortcode that will stand as a proxy to the said function. Please refer to the thread below, instruction #5.

Hope that helps.

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