Upgraded to X pro from X

Hi, I just upgraded to pro because I wanted more themes in the design cloud, however I just updated it and I still have the same 74 templates in there. X pro was advertised to have 100s of themes. Please let me know how I can get the rest of the themes. Right now it looks like the pro version and regular version are the same for me.

Hello @ginadhaliwal,

Thanks for writing in!

This is the breakdown of the 74 templates present in the X theme:
Sites: 28 site templates
Content: 46 templates

This is the breakdown of the 100+ templates present in the Pro theme:
Sites: 28 site templates
Content: 46 templates
Header: 18 templates
Footer: 12 templates
Layout: 2 templates (plus other single/archive templates )

Hope this helps.