Updating my x theme

how do i update my x theme from 4.6.4 to 5.11 and still keeping the header and footer the same?

Hi There,

Please check this guide: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-updating-your-themes-and-plugins/62
Site content including footer and header should still be the same after update unless you have customize or edited any files on the main X theme file. Although, it is always recommended to always backup your site or do the update on a staging site first.

the content is the same but i also want the same style in the new update.

Hi There,

Everything should be kept as it was unless you have made some PHP modifications on your child theme which would require you changing folders of the header.php and footer.php

Would you mind to provide a screenshot of how it looks on 4.64 and how does it look once you updated to 5.11?

Also please provide your URL.

Thank you

After you submit a reply find a button below your post that says “Secure Note” click on it to add a secure note.

Hope this helps!

i removed the pictures i can send them in a personal message if u wish i assume u have saved them otherwise

Hi There,

I see your issues now. Could you please provide us with your WordPress credentials to take a closer look ?


yes i include it in the secure note

I just need to know how to fix the header menu and why the fonts have changed I tried uploading the back-up on a diffrent site and I didn’t get the blue bar when I updated the theme

Hi There,

Navigate to Appearance > Ubermenu and look for the Top Level Font Size and Font Family option and adjust it accordingly.

Would you mind to clarify where is this blue bar? I don’t see it on my end, try clearing your browser’s cache and all your caching plugins/feature.


That still doesent give me an anwser of the position of the menu and What about the rest of the site ? The blue bar was a get raw content but i fixed that my self. The entire styling of the site changed as you co workers can tell you, I can upload screen shots again if u wish if you are not fully aware of the issue

Hey @patuuu321,

Hope you are doing great :slight_smile:
Yes please re-upload screenshots as visiting your website does not provide clarification about the issue you are facing(as we are unable to check before and after effect).


as you can see is not the same styling as I created in my child theme it doesn’t use my styling some of the color are off as you can see with “read more about”, and It looks bolder and as a diffrent font. ps I got ride of the get quote / blue bar to the right. I do have a back-up if u wish to she the before version


I would like to check but the password to view the site no longer works.

Did you add all your styling in your child theme’s style.css? Is that what you are referring too?

Can you try moving it all in X > Launch > Options > CSS and see if that works.


sorry password is the same again. This didnt help much, it did however do some like the “read more about” got black and the ubermenu go located to center in the header, however the font still is still diffrent

i will remove the css from the global you can feel free to place it there again if you wish.

Hi there,

Based on the discussion and screenshots, it’s the font issue right?

The font you’re applying to those texts are geomanist-light and geomanist-book, they aren’t Google font, I can’t even find where is the @font-face declaration for those fonts ( https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_font-face_rule.asp ). When adding custom font that isn’t part of the theme, you have to add them through @font-face with the correct font file path.

If the browser has that font from cache, or the font is already installed in the system (OS), then it will appear correct in that view. But it will be incorrect to browsers with no cached font or OS without that font.

If you already added @font-face for geomanist-light and geomanist-book somewhere, then would you mind providing more details about it? Like where we can find it :slight_smile:

Your CSS are from X > Launch and from x-child/style.css, it’s two location and two global CSS. There is no way you can’t remove them at once, you have to remove them from each location.


no is not just the font issue why would the header menu change, and why would it all change cause i updated it, it cleary worked before the update?

and why would that have effect on the colours styling

Hi there,

I checked your website and found out that the Cornerstone plugin which is mandatory for X was not updated alongside the theme. I did update the Cornerstone.

Also kindly delete all plugins related to us such as White Label and install them again from X > Overview page.

If you still have problems kindly get back to us with the exact case which you see the problem in so we can investigate. We should see a URL and explanation of what was the color before and what is not working now. If you give us detailed information we will be able to detect the issue and try to suggest a better solution to avoid this back and forth.

Thank you for your cooperation and appreciate your patience to be able to fix the issue.