Unmuting a background Video because of the notice showing from Vimeo video on mobiles

Related: Cornerstone Background Videos - unmute/mute button


I was wondering if someone had a workaround for this particular problem.

We have a video playing in the background on one of our client’s websites.

There is no audio on the video.

However, since the theme ‘auto mutes’ the video in the background by default, when viewing the video on mobile from Vimeo it shows the ‘tap to unmute’ symbol in front of the video, which is not desirable and is very noticeable. please see attached image.

I’ve been inside the Vimeo account and everything appears correct with its setting and no control within their system affects this notice?

Is there a way to unmute the ‘audioless’ video so that this message doesn’t show? Any Ideas?

Hey just answer to your question but a repeat question as your using background video on mobile .

Have you found a solution for iphone for background video as its is off by default on iphone .

@The_Capture_Factory what is your experience .

themeco code hasn’t responded yet…:smile:

Hi @The_Capture_Factory,

Regretfully, there is no option is available to unmute the Background Video. It is due to the Autoplay Policy Change, for which you need to Muted the video, to start the video automatically.
And need to wait for user interaction and play videos on demand unmuted, which is not possible for the background videos and it automatically muted the video.

Regarding the message to Tap to Unmute, we are really don’t aware of the Audioless video you are talking about.


So, the main reason why I posted this question is that the ‘tap to unmute’ notice from Vimeo on the video is induced ( I believe ) by the muting of the video in the theme.

You can get the notice to appear and disappear by toggling the mute check box within the theme when you have the option too. this is when you place a video within the page the conventional way.

It’s leads me to believe I cannot remove the notice unless you have control of the audio.

So is there is no simple work round / add on / additional code to do this?

Hello @The_Capture_Factory,

You are using 3rd party video hosting site and you used the Vimeo video as your background video. Now, in order for the Vimeo video to be displayed on your site, Vimeo will be provided an embed code. With this setup, you do not have control over the video. It is best that you use a self-hosted video (a video added in your WordPress gallery) as your background video instead.

Best Regards.

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