I’ve looked into a number of the support articles relating to this topic. The closest answer I’ve found is from a user who manually edited their WP Options table to add the license key. https://theme.co/forum/t/license-not-validating/49921/14
I’m not comfortable doing this and was hoping you could help.
Please note that I’ve tried to add the unlimited license multiple times and it says it’s validated, then the browser refreshes and the license disappears, leaving the site invalidated.
The site automatically lists as okcarecollab.com under the ulimited licenses page on my account. This value is automatically populated so I have no way to change it to https://okcarecollab.com (a suggestion I found in another support ticket).
I’ve been building Themeco sites using WP Engine as a host for years. I’ve never run into an issue where I was unable to validate the site with single licenses so this is a bit of a mystery. I don’t see any of the error messages described on https://theme.co/docs/problems-with-product-validation
I’ve attached credentials to the site in a secure note.
Thank you for your assistance.