I have a one click Wordpress installation and followed the solution here and I’m still getting server error 500 when I modify php_value upload_max_filesize 128M
in .htaccess (this used to be the only way that worked)
I followed the change in virtualhosts suggested on DO
I tried all the changes but the last filter approach here too changing max_file_upload
size in
in php.ini adding this to .htaccess (doesn’t cause error 500)
; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
; specified).
; http://php.net/upload-tmp-dir
;upload_tmp_dir =
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
; http://php.net/upload-max-filesize
upload_max_filesize = 512M
post_max_size = 512M
memory_limit = 512M
I used to be able to change .htaccess before setting up http/2 but now the site uses a new php handler (FCGI).
Thanks in advance!