Unable to register for account

Hi, I am trying to sign up for a new apex account for my client, but it keeps telling me the purchase code is invalid. I’m cutting and pasting it directly from the order receipt. Are you having problems with confirmation of codes? They bought two licenses and neither one will validate for them to sign up.

Hi @geekgoddess,

Thanks for writing in!

Can you provide us the purchase codes in Secure Note so we can check why it’s returning as invalid.


I’ve added to a secure note. Thanks!

Hi @geekgoddess,

I have checked both purchase codes and none of them is associated to an account in the forum.
Do you mind trying it again, maybe with a different browser, if you are still having problems I’ll have our management take a look.


I tried again this morning with both codes and both gave me this error. I’ve set up accounts for numerous clients and have never had this happen. Can you please find out why I can’t get this set up? Obviously I need to get the account set up so I can properly license the two sites I just built for them. :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Hi @geekgoddess,

May I see the license certificate given by Envato? It’s given once they purchased it from Themeforest. Please provide it in the secure note. There was cases that due to typo error but I’m not saying it’s always the case, but I like to confirm it first.


You mean the text file that you can download from Envato? I’ll have to get with my client. They just forwarded the email that had the license code in it.

Hi @geekgoddess,

Yes, that is right. Once we have it, we can check and verify the license. Kindly post it in a secure note.

Thank you.

Hi, I finally got the codes from my client and they told me they had to do some confirmations before they could log into their Envato account. Turns out they had used a different email address to purchase with (they used PayPal to purchase) than they used to register their Envato account, so nothing was fully set up. After they told me this, I tried to register for an Apex account again using the same codes and they were accepted. So, it was some sort of snafu with Envato that caused the problem.

You can close this ticket. Thank you!

Glad you’ve sorted it out :slight_smile:

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