Uh oh! Gym Demo failed to install

I’m trying to install the Gym Expanded Demo Content, but keep getting the error message.

I have searched through the forum tried all the available suggestions - disabled plugins, updated x theme, conerstone etc, increased php memory increased cUrl time

The extended demos of Konnect and Lawyer installed fine just the Gym demo that i need that fails to get passed the initialising.

Hi Paul,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I checked your setup and the Memory Limit seems to be fine but you also need your hosting provider to increase the following PHP settings to the specified value or to the maximum the web host can increase.

upload_max_filesize = 100M
post_max_size = 100M
set_time_limit = 5000s
max_allowed_packet = 16Mb
innodb_log_file_size = 128mb

Also the allow_url_fopen setting in your server must be On. That setting allows your server to retrieve data from other servers.

Let us know how this goes!

great thanks those updates worked

Hi Paul,

Great that it works for you.


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