Uh oh! Cornerstone Not Working Part 2

Hello There,

Thanks for updating in!

1.) The navbar is white because that is what is being set in the X > Theme Options > Renew. Please change it to gray instead.

2.) I cannot find this section. Did you happen to removed it?

3.) Did you inherited the page from another site or another builder? We do not have in any kind of set up that has the same structure of your team members. You may have been using a 3rd party plugin. Please make sure that it is installed and active so that your popup will work.

4.) I have edited the page to check the contact form section. I could not find it. Maybe you haven’t added it yet or may have deleted accidentally.

Hope this helps.

Ok, thanks for the effort. So there is no misunderstanding I want to make sure you understand the events that put us where we are now. I did not do anything except update PHP.

  1. Page functionality and layout was working fine. Had been for a year.
  2. Needed to do some modifications and Cornerstone wouldn’t work.
  3. You guys checked my site out and said I needed to update PHP.
  4. I updated PHP to 5.6 and now the site pages are wacked and the pop up functionality is not functioning.

I did not modify, change, anything.

Before you do anything further, let me have my programmer look things over. I will get back to you.

Sure, let us know how it goes. :slight_smile:

It went well. My programmer uploaded the files from a back up and made sure all the right plugins were active. Things are working now.

I do get a brief red Uh Oh! when I edit pages but it lets me edit.

Thanks for your help. I do appreciate all that you guys did to help.

Hey @sburgoonpart ,

You’re welcome. Glad we could help.

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