Translating "search" and "your items"

I have used the translation instruction, and it works great, exept the search-button and the top of the cart that say “your items”. I found another question about that in the forum, and I also translated the x.pot file and the cornerstone languagefile, but they still do not translate. Any suggestions?

Hi There,

Could you please provide us with your website URL so we can take a closer look?


This is my webshop:


I could not find the “Your items” button, but you can change the search text adding this custom code:

  	$('').text('My German Search Text');

Just replace the My German Search Text string.

Hi! I tried adding this as “Extra CSS”, and “Edit global CSS” both under adapt theme. I also tried adding it as a snippet. But still it’s not working.

The “your item” is not a button, but it is the top text when you push the cart button. Above the content of the cart, it says “your items”.

Hey there,

I’ve taken a look and couldn’t find the cart, but “Your Items” sounds like the default text for the cart elements. The “Search” text you’re referring to is also the default text for the search element. These strings can be changed when editing the elements. If your site is in one language, you can just inspect those elements and edit their text.

At this time we don’t have header or footer builder integration with a translation plugin like WPML, so it wouldn’t be possible to use this method on a multilingual site. Regretfully, I can confirm these are missing in the .pot file. We will makes sure that gets updated with the next release.

I have uesd the Cornerstone to make the header, and both search and the shopping cart is from there. I can’t see anywhere to edit the elements text. I am also wondering how I can edith the settings for the product image. When you look at a spesific product, you see one big picture, and all the other ones are really small in the upper right corner. How can I change that?

Try adding this code in your functions.php

add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' );


I tried adding the code to the functions.php, but it is not working.

Sorry for the confusion. Please change it to this:

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'remove_woo_features', 999 );
function remove_woo_features(){
	remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' );

If that doesn’t help, please open this gallery topic in a separate thread to avoid confusion in this thread.


I am still trying to translate the “your items”

Now I really have tried everything. Do you know where I can find this element? Is it a woocommerce funktion, or is it the cart function in the header builder? How can I change the text?

I have the same problem here:

Everything else on the site is perfectly translated to norwegian.

Both “Your Items” and “Related products” are translatable. Would you mind giving us access to your WP Admin and cPanel or FTP so we could check your translations.

line 17: <h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Related products', '__x__' ); ?></h2>

line 364: 'cart_title' => x_module_value( __( 'Your Items', '__x__' ), 'all' ),


How do I giv you access to my WP Admin and cPanel?

You can post them in a Secure Note. For more details about the Secure Note, please see


The information is here

Please give us cPanel or FTP access also. We need to check your translation file.


FTP access for page:

I discovered the issue now.

Regarding the “Related Products”, the translatable text is Related products while in the pot file, it’s Related Products. There’s a subtle difference which is the second word’s letter case. This is a bug and I’ll report to our development team. For now, I added this alternate way to translate text in your functions.php

function alternate_text( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
  switch ( $translated_text ) {
    case 'Related products' :
      $translated_text = __( 'Relaterte produkter', '__x__' );
  return $translated_text;
add_filter( 'gettext', 'alternate_text', 20, 3 );

You can remove it once a fix has been rolled out.

Regarding “Your Items”, please set it in Cart Modal > Cart > Setup > Title


Now it works perfectly. Thank you so much :smiley:

You’re most welcome!