Translate "Submit" button in comments

Hi there,
i am using PoEdit to translate the theme to German, but unfortunately it does not work properly for the comments. The Submit-button is still in English.
Wahrt can I do?

Hello, @jbreits,

Thanks for writing to us

Please have look at our documentation to learn more about how to translate our themes into the German language.


Hi PrakahS,

I did all that. The only “submit” string ist translated, but there is no effect on the comment form

Hey @jbreits,

You can manually translate the strings by adding the following code in your child theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter( 'gettext', 'translate_x_strings', 20, 3 );

function translate_x_strings( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {

        switch ( $translated_text ) {
            case "Submit" :

                $translated_text = __( 'Einreichen', '__x__' );

    return $translated_text;

Please note that the code provided above serves as a guide only and is to help you in getting started so implementing it and maintaining the code will be out of our support scope and for further maintenance for new possible versions of the theme that may cause the customization to break, you will need to hire a developer.

Hope this helps!

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