Topic closed even without solution yet - “Scroll down” button (above Masthead)"

Why this issue was closed even without a solution yet? Kindly re-open this unresolved issue.

I have again updated to the latest version and still, my issue has not been resolved. Can your team look into this? For sure your team can solve this basic issue on your end. Looking forward to a solution this time. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

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Hello… any update here? Thanks…

Hi @streetlifebahrain,

I’ll get that ticket reopened and reply over there. Tickets are automatically closed after 10 days of inactivity. We do this because sometimes people reply on old threads that are similar to issues they are having and it generates an unwanted notification to the original posts.

Hello. I saw your reply there but it is still closed. I still cannot reply there. Anyway, Please install the temporary patch until such time that you have a permanent fix. Thanks. Regards…

Hello @streetlifebahrain,

I have updated your Pro theme and also installed a child theme. I inserted the code given by @Alexander so that the “Skip Intro” will display.

add_filter( 'x_slider_scroll_top_anchor_content', function($content, $position ) {
  return '<span>SKIP INTRO</span>';
}, 10, 2 );

I also added a custom CSS so that the button will be positioned to the center properly. I used this in your Pro > Theme Options > Custom CSS:

.x-slider-scroll-bottom.above {
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 1em;
    line-height: 1.2;

    width: auto;
    height: auto;

    padding: 10px;
    margin-left: -53px;

		bottom: 100px;

Please check your site now.

Thanks a lot! It’s working now! The “Skip Intro” is wonderful! Super thanks to this!

I just noticed though that there is something new that is happening after the update. The video intro is now showing some glitches in the background… Please check this video link from Gdrive

I hope we get this cleared. Thanks a for all the support!

Best regards,

Hi @streetlifebahrain,

I have checked your staging site and didn’t find the issue described in the video, there might be some other reason behind it. I would suggest you check once by clearing all types of cache. And also check by deactivating the Super PWA plugin, as it generates some JavaScript errors, which might be a cause of your issue.
Please let us know if that does not resolve your issue.


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Hello brother. This issue is solved! Thanks a lot! All the best!

Awesome. Very glad to hear that, @streetlifebahrain!

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