Timeline for srcset implementation

We are getting very severly penalized by Google for the poor performance of pages served by Pro. One area of possible improvement is serving responsive images i.e. images with lower resolution for smaller devices. I understand that this would be done through support for srcset attribute for an image tag. It seems that Pro currently does not support that, is there any ETA on when this feature will be implemented?

Hello @amardeepmisha,

Thanks for writing in! Regretfully we do not have an ETA for the full implementation of the srcset . If you are using Pro 4.x.x, adding this code in a child theme will enable the WordPress srcset implementation on our elements.

add_filter( 'cs_enable_srcset', '__return_true' );

Best Regards.

Thanks for the reply, @ruenel.

Is there a way for me to add this code if I am not using a child theme? BTW, we are on your latest production release on all our sites.

Hi @amardeepmisha,

It is advisable to use the child theme so that when you update your Parent theme it will not override the customization you made. You can check and download the child theme below.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

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