This page uses the non standard property “zoom”

Hi. It appears that the Pro theme is using a non standard property “zoom” - we receive the following error on our page when looking at the console in Firefox;

This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”.

It appears this is a non standard CSS;

This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.

It should be replaced with:

transform: scale(1); /* Standard Property */
transform-origin: 0 0;  /* Standard Property */

We are using version 3.1.2 of the theme. Any chance this might be fixed in a future version?


Hi Tristan,

Thank you for the complete information about this issue.
I have submitted this on our issue tracker. Unfortunately, we can’t promise an ETA. We usually release bug report fixed list on our chagelog. Thank you for understanding.

Hi Tristan,

I’m investigating this and found out that this is caused by 3rd party plugins. One example is Revolution Slider plugin, and even if you don’t display a slider but the plugin is still active, it will still trigger the same warning especially if the slider libraries are loaded globally.

Unfortunately, we don’t have any exact ETA about this since it’s a 3rd party issue. I recommend disabling your plugins while checking if the warning disappears, then once disappear, the last deactivated plugin is the culprit.


Thanks so much for your investigation into this! It seems that we are not using the Revolution Slider plugin - we are using ACF Pro and Essential Grid. I will have a look into the code our web designer produced and see if there are any references to Revolution Slider thant might be causing the issue.

I looked into it a bit more and can see that Revolution Slider is maybe utilised by Essential Grid. Looking forward to a fix at some point!

Hey @creamelectricart,

Rad cited Slider Revolution as one of the 3rd party plugins that’s causing the issue. There could be other more. Since the developer of Essential Grid and Slider Revolution is the same, ThemePunch, it also could be the cause. Try deactivating it and if the issue persists, deactivate all other plugins and custom scripts.

If you find a third-party plugin causing the issue, you can report it to us and we’ll report it to the plugin’s developers.



It seems that the offending ‘zoom’ comes from a line;

style id=“x-generated-css”

making me think it is actually from the theme?

I tried deactivating all third party plugins and was still getting the error.


My mistake - it seems it is part of the custom CSS that our web designer had applied using the Pro theme options.

Will investigate how to fix.

thanks for all your help!

You’re welcome, @creamelectricart.

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