Hello, i want to change fonts and font size on media categories in The Grid, can somebody help with custom css or how to do it? And i want to make space between categories and images.
Hey Tautvydas,
Thanks for writing in!
To resolve your issue, please add the following CSS code in the X > Theme Options > Global CSS (http://prntscr.com/evui3r)
.tg-grid-wrapper .tg-filter.tg-filter-active span {
color: red !important;
.tg-grid-wrapper .tg-filter span,
.tg-grid-wrapper .tg-filters-holder span {
font-size: 12px;
color: blue !important;
font-family: Arial, serif;
Hope this helps. Kindly let us know.
Nice it works. And how to make more space below categories? Between categories and images?
Hello Tautvydas,
To add some gap, you can update the code and use this:
.tg-grid-wrapper .tg-grid-area-top2 {
margin-bottom: 30px;
.tg-grid-wrapper .tg-filter.tg-filter-active span {
color: red !important;
.tg-grid-wrapper .tg-filter span,
.tg-grid-wrapper .tg-filters-holder span {
font-size: 12px;
color: blue !important;
font-family: Arial, serif;
Hope this helps. Kindly let us know.
Really apreciate it. It works fine
You’re welcome!
We’re glad we were able to help you out.
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