Thank you, and Request for Advice for New Site

I’ve just completed my first website. THANK YOU ALL for the tremendous help you’ve provided me.

I’m about to start a new site and would like to ask for your sage advice as I move forward.

What is the best way to get started, and what should I do to build a framework that I can leverage for the entire project?

I’ve learned that having a decent knowledge of CSS is vital. Thanks for the advice on where to start learning. That alone could have solved lots of my questions. Thanks for your grace and patience.

Child theme? I’ve been seeing this mentioned. What is that, and how is it useful?


Thanks again for your help. The coaching provided to me has well exceeded the price of the template.


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Hi Brian,

I would suggest you use the child theme from the start of your project and add all the customizations to it. So, the theme update does not affect those customizations.


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