Testimonial with read more button


I saw in this forum post how to add a ‘read more’ button and have been trying to apply it in Pro Renew stack on the testimonials element.

My goal is to

  1. Set the same character limit to all testimonials.
  2. Add a ‘read more’ button a site viewer can click to read the rest of the testimonial.

Is there:

  1. a resource that helps research this further and if not
  2. A plugin you know of that offers this?


Hello @ayham,

Thanks for writing to us.

Regretfully, there is no option to set the character limit in testimonial’s element and there are no settings to add the “Read More” button in our “Testimonial” element. It would require custom development, I would suggest you contact a developer who can assist you with your concern.

You can search for the plugin from WordPress plugins repository https://wordpress.org/plugins/

Please note that we don’t provide third-party plugin support. It is out of support scope. If any issue comes with the plugin you need to contact the plugin developer to fix their plugin issue or make it compatible to X/Pro theme.

Thanks for understanding

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