Term for Single Layout page

I have a Single Layout page (Project Single Layout) for a custom post type (Projects):


I’m creating my own breadcrumbs with button elements. The third button is {{dc:term:name}} with a link of {{dc:term:url}} which I would like the pull the category (Restaurants) which is a custom taxonomy created in ACF Pro.

It’s not working so I’m obviously not doing it right. Is there a way to call up the term/category for this custom post type?


Hey There,

Thanks for posting in!

Do you want something like this?

You will have to insert a DIV element and put the last Button element inside it.

The DIV element then will be a Looper Provider Current Post Terms which will use the “Commercial” as the taxonomy to be able to display the {{dc:term:name}} with a link of {{dc:term:url}}.

And by the way, the Flexbox option of the Column element needs to be enabled so that the buttons will be inline.

Best Regards.

Thanks @ruenel!

Just what I was looking for!

You are most welcome, @zenzino.

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