Sudden issue with Navigation Modal

With a recent Pro update (I am not clear which one caused this as I don’t often need to work with my navigation menu) my Navigation Modal element has broken. When I click on the element to edit it my inspector brings up the message: “You do not have permission to inspect this element type.”

Is this because it’s a now-deprecated version of Navigation Modal? How do I fix this? I don’t really want to rebuild this menu from scratch across the handful of sites that are exhibiting the issue. See screenshot. Thanks much.

Cornerstone > Settings > Permissions. Configure Elements. When you scroll down you’ll see and can activate it.

Hi @pxlpod,

It seems that the element is not enabled, and you need to enable it on the path given by @gpoitras in his reply.

Hope it helps.

Thank you, @gpoitras Geoff. I didn’t realize that when an element slides into “deprecated” status it automatically unregisters itself from the enabled elements list. That’s really great to know and I’ll look for that in the future. Cheers!

Hey @pxlpod,

We’re glad that you’re able to figure it out.


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