Strange Behaviour after update to Cornerstone when making a change on Whats On Page

My website is and I have a rather over complicated Whats On page ( which has individual entries in two columns - a large left and a smaller right col. I was updating a Pilates entry (click the Pilates button at the top of the column) and when I opened the page to view it on my desktop, the Pilates entry did not fill the column (all others do - presumably as I have not worked on them for a while). If I reduce the size of the screen it behaves as normal. I have spent hours trying to understand what is happening and I cannot find a way to sort this! I would be very grateful if you could help me with this!

Hello @pfm,

Thanks for writing in! This happens after updating the theme without clearing all your plugin caches. Please check out this documentation to resolve this issue:

Best Regards.

Thank you very much for your swift response. I have followed the instructions and have cleared all my plugin caches but it has made no difference (i don’t use Cloud Flare by the way). I am still completely baffled. Up until a certain screen width the Pilates entry is normal at 1306 when I am in Cornerstone. When I open the page to view it in another tab, the Pilates entry has reduced and been more or less centred in its column and row. If I reduce the screen to around about 1306 it behaves! I am completely flummoxed! All my other Rows - which have not been altered for some time - behave as normal. I would be very grateful for further advice as I want to make other entries but not until this issue is solved. I have seen that all the other entries have 862.959 x 46.219 whereas my new Pilates entry is 820.312 x 46.219 - The difference of the first number might be indicative. Just a thought.

Hello @pfm,

In your Row element, when the Global Container is turned OFF, make sure to set the width and maximum width to 100%

Best Regards.

Thank you so much ! I now understand!! Very best wishes! Peter

Hi @pfm,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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