Standard swich Inner container off in blog post

Hi Team,

This might be a very simple question. But how can I switch off the inner container as a standard.

Every time when my client creates a new blog post an inner container is created when adding content. They want to be able to create content without adjusting settings. But i only know how to switch it off manually.

Thanks for the responce.

Kind regards,


Hi David,

Thanks for writing around! That can be done globally using a CSS, just add the following CSS code in the Theme Options > Global CSS or in the Customizer via Appearance > Customize > Custom > Edit GLOBAL CSS

.single-post .x-section .x-container.max.width {
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
    margin: 0 auto;

Hope this helps!

Thank you for the responce @Nabeel.

That does solve the problem.

But isnt there a way to just turn off the inner container? Beause it still creates an inner container now, it just does not show any margin difference.

If not, thanks for the solution!

Hey @dok1810,

Thereā€™e currently no option for this but I recommend you watch out for the planned template manager. See our news for this.


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