Spacing Around Website

Hello, and hope your evening is going well.

I originally installed a template from x themes, that I have since removed. However, there is an odd padding around the website now. It appears to have shifted the page slightly to the right, verses being centered, along with spacing around the background video. Can you help me in removing this?

I would like for the background video to scale the entire width of the page, and for the page to be fully centered vs slightly to the right. Note, the installed theme was the “lawyer” theme for the page, and there use to be a logo of some sort on the left side of the page.

Also, the video seems to be taking time to pop up only after the logo - I would like for the logo to ease into the frame with the background video there upon upload.

Hi @SE1217707,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked and found there is some custom CSS code that is the reason behind your problem. Please remember that we don’t offer any support and investigation on custom code and related issues.


How can I remove this? I did not add the code, as it must have been added when I installed the demo x template for the lawyer one. When I open Global Paramaeters - it shows it as blank.

How do I remove the white around the video on the main page? I removed the header, and there is white on top and white on the sides of the video

Thank you for the update.

The css modifications are located in the Custom Code > Global CSS field. We disabled this css rule.

.site {
    padding-left: calc((50vw - (1170px / 2)) + 1em);
    padding-right: 3em;

If you need more help with these modifications, please check our One service.

Warm regards.

I truly appreciate your help Ismael. May I ask, is there a way to remove the white bar at the top of the video?

I am also seeing the footer pulling to the left now instead of center with extra white on the right - how can adjust this with the footer spanning the whole way and text being centered, as it is off center?

Hello @SE1217707,

You will need to remove this custom CSS in Code > Global CSS:

.site {
  padding-top: 1.75em;

You can find the Code icon on the lower right corner:

Hope this helps.

Thank you - I believe all of these issues were due to custom code entered by the x theme demo. I appreciate your help in resolving them.

Hey @SE1217707,

You’re most welcome!