Hi @Ruenel,
Thanks for the reply. I understand what you are saying, but the practicalities of manually sorting the field memorial_casualties
is not realistic, due to the large amount of data - currently 17k+ entries, which will only grow.
I am using a Dynamic Content statement in the Looper Provider having followed @marc_a’s help in this post: ACF Pro Relationship Field Not Displaying
However, I understand from @marc_a in reply 4 above (Sorting Alphabetically In Looper Provider Dynamic Content) that the Looper Provider can use a Query String instead of Dynamic Content to achieve the desired results - the content sorted alphabetically.
I am new to Query Strings, so am fumbling in the dark a bit! I think the correct string may be post_type=memorial&post_status=publish&order=ASC&orderby=meta_value&meta_key=memorial_casualties
, but it does not output the expected results, i.e. a list of Casualties associated with the Memorial.
My current structure is like this:
- DIV (Looper Provider)
– DIV (<a>
with content = {{dc:post:permalink}}
for hyperlinking)
— Text Element (content = {{dc:post:title}}{{dc:acf:post_field field="memorial_casualties"}}
If my WP Query string is correct, does the Text Elementneed different content?
Thank you for all your help,