Slider Revolution Won't Load First Slide

I have checked through the forum and can’t find a solution for this. The slider loads fine on desktop, but on mobile or tablets, it just shows a loading icon. I have deactivated all my plugins except for Slider Revolution and that didn’t solve anything. What is weird is that when I change the slider that appears at the top of the home screen it works. But when I use the main one that I created to go there, it doesn’t load properly. I also have a second slider on that page that doesn’t load if the first one doesn’t load. However, if I change the main slider at the top to get it to work again then the second slider loads fine.

The website is:

I have to disable it for now so the site doesn’t look broken to people who visit it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hello Tyler,

To better assist you with your issue, kindly provide us access to your site so that we can check your settings. Please create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WordPress Admin username / password

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out:


Site link is

Hello Tyler,

Thanks for providing the information.
I have check your Slider Revolution global settings and disabled the “Include Libraries Globally”.

You can put back the sliders on the page so that we can do another round of test.

It is working! Thank you. What does that feature do and what would make it cause that problem?

Hi Tyler,

That feature if On Loads plugin scripts on all your site pages regardless of the page have a RevSlider shortcode in its content. Useful for Ajax sites that load page content dynamically. More details here.


Thank you! After looking at all versions of our website, the only one that still isn’t working is on a tablet. The mobile and desktop versions work fine, but the slider won’t load on a tablet. Can we remedy this?

Hi Tyler,

I checked the website and it is working ok on a tablet. I wonder which tablet you checked the website on, and if you are talking about the top one with only one slide?

If that is the slide I see it working correctly. Would you please kindly check the website with another tablet and see if it is not what the specific table you check? If you see the problem again, I’d appreciate it if you could share a screenshot with us to know what you see on the device.

Thank you.

Here is a screenshot from an iPad. We have tried it on multiple generations and iOS version and we still get the same problem.

Hello Tyler,

Please clear your browser caches on the iPad or use private browsing mode and test your site again.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Looks like it is working, thanks!

You’re most welcome,


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