Slider revolution: slide animation does not work

This issue is strange: my slides do not animate (I use the fade-effect). I checked the default slide transition and the individual slides. The transitions have a duration of at least 2000 as the value for a fade transition. Example: (top slider

Hi @macvink,

Would you mind providing us your wordpress admin login in Secure Note so we can check your slider settings.

For the meantime, please review the links below and make sure you have set the animation correctly.


I have provided the requested info in a secure note.

Hi Vink,

Thank you for providing the credentials. I checked your slider settings and the slide animation seems to be working fine, actually you’ve a slide background image and a image layer on it. If you want to animate the image layer then you need to change it’s animation via layer settings (see screenshot)

I changed the animation of your second slide’s layer from 300 to 2000 and it’s now animating properly. You can change the animation and it’s timing for other slides via layer settings > animation tab.

Since your main slide background image is not very prominent but the animation you’ve set is working fine, I tested it by changing the animation from fade to slide and increased the animation timing. You can adjust it by editing the slide and going to it’s animation tab (see screenshot)

Hope this helps!

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Thank you very much for your time and answer Nabeel! This is solved now.

On behalf of my colleague, you’re welcome. Cheers! :slight_smile:

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