Slider revolution - image layer fixed to right edge of screen

I followed this old post to fix an image layer to rev slider. That user wanted the image on the left side of the screen, but since I’m trying to fix an image to the right side, I used this slightly modified version of the code:

.tp-static-layers .tp-parallax-wrap:first-child {
    top: -70px !important;
    right: -70px !important;

the top alignment works perfectly, but no matter what number I put for the “right” side, it doesn’t seem to want to stay on the right edge. any idea why?

my site.


Hi Cok,

You do not need to add any custom CSS code. You need to use the offset positioning feature of the layer.

Please read this article for more information.

kindly get back to us with the result of the steps above and URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case if you still have problems.

Thank you.

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