Slider Revolution - Disappearing Text Layers

Hi all,

I’m having a random problem with my Slider on my homepage.

Some of the layers of text disappear randomly. I have animation disabled on the first slide and it’s giving me unpredictable results. Animation is enabled on the next slides, just for the movie titles, and they disappear, but not every time. If I cycle through and go back to the first slide, all the layers come back. Has anyone ever seen this before?

Testing on mobile / Safari / Chrome. All similar issues.


Hey There,

Thanks for writing in! Are you referring to this area?

Have you check your animation timing? Maybe they are not of sync which is why it fades out and does not fades in back. Could you please give us access so that we can inspect your slider layers and settings?


Yes, this is what I’m talking about. Animation timing looks fine but would love you to take a look in case I’m missing something. Added a secure note with access.

Hello There,

I have logged in and checked your slider. It turns out that your timeline just says wait instead of selecting a starting frame and the duration.

Please edit your slider and edit your timeline.

To get familiar with the timeline, please check out this documentation:

I’ve tried to get familiar with how the layers and timeline work, and what is happening in the layer animation window in slider revolution doesn’t match what the browser is showing, which leads me to believe something is bugging. I’ve tried so many different things here and haven’t gotten one result I expect. Can you look in again to see what this plugin might be doing?

Hi there,

I suggest that you go to the settings of the slider you added in the homepage and enable the No Conflict mode:

That will eliminate possible jQuery library conflict with other plugins such as the Essential Grid which I see you already used on the homepage.

Thank you.

Thanks, tried that and the first slide still has missing text layers. So far, the other slides seem fine, just the first one is now having problems.

Hi there,

That will be the problem of the settings or configuration. If the other slides work ok then the usage of the first slide is wrong somehow. I suggest that you create another slide like the first one at the end of the slide list and delete the first slide. So that you will know if it is that specific slide which had the problem, or always the first slide is problematic.

Thank you.

It doesn’t seem to be the specific slide or the first slide. I’ve tried moving a bunch around and I can’t see consistent results. As an example, now the slide that is second, is losing some text layers even though I didn’t do anything to it. I moved the Fear Inc slide first and it seems to be fine. I tried recreating the original first slide, Captain Karls and it still was losing text layers. I can’t figure out what is going on.

It seems to be happening when I create a template of a slide and duplicate that to a new one. When I did that to the new first slide, Fear Inc, that text disappeared.

Since these are all the same format, I need to be able to copy the layers to each slide so they are all formatted the same.

Hi there,

I can confirm that and it happens when duplicating your slide. BUT, I exported your same slider on my installation and duplicated it too and there is no issue with missing layers. In fact, the empty slide from your slider are not empty on my installation after the import. Which means, it could be an issue with your current host.

I then exported the same slider from my installation and imported on your site as “Lone X” and it works. I duplicated the Fear Inc slide and it’s not empty. Could you try it?


Thanks for trying, but when I load that new slider onto my page, it still has the same missing text layers. It’s loaded right now if you’d like to look.

Hi there,

I had to change the background color of the sample that I made for it to load faster, it’s too slow on my end.

The layers are there which are working, what’s not working is the way you set up the timing for those layers, hence, they are not appearing once the loading takes much longer than fade in time (where layers already faded out). Please check the video in the secure note.


Thanks, watched the video. Why doesn’t the animation in slider revolution represent what actually happens when I load up the page? And how come some slides work with the fade in times set as they are and some don’t? I re-made the first slide and it seems to be working just fine with these settings.

Hello There,

Please edit your slides and make sure that you have enough time for your timeline. Please allow a second to load the slide before starting to display each of your layers. Please check out the screenshot below as an example:

I have imported an demo slider that you can compare your timeline to be more familiar with how the animation and the timelines works in the revolution slider.

Hope this helps.

Thanks guys, shifting the animation to start at a second seemed to work. Is this just because the images are too large to load and would stop the layer animation?

Hi there,

No, it is the nature of the animations. The layer animations are independent of the slide change and that is why the slide change which does take few seconds will need that time.

You can test that with small images and you will see the same result.

Thank you.

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