Slider Revolution Background image slider on iphone issue


I had it working before, but something changed after I updated the plugin and the theme.

Basically, i have 2 sections, one with video slides/text for desktops set to hide breakpoints on mobile sizes, and one with static image background images with text for mobiles set to hide breakpoints for desktop. Now the iphone version is not loading anything.

Now when I load on ipad, it loads the video slides as well as the mobile slides. Iphone doesnt show anything. Also when I load on desktop its showing the mobile slides section that is set to hide breakpoints on desktops.

How can I get this working properly?


Hi there,

Thanks for writing in.

I do see a slider, and it’s hidden once I resize my browser smaller. Hence, this isn’t specific to iPhone. And what’s the mobile slider? I see two slider but both are hidden as the column is configured to be hidden on smaller device. Would you mind providing more information or screenshot of how it should be? So I can verify if those visibility setting is correct. But based on my initial test, they are made hidden on mobiles, the same reason they both appearing on tablet. It’s configured like that though, I can’t confirm if it’s correct or not as I’m not sure how it should look like.


The mobile slider is a second set of slides that used to only load on mobile sizes. There is a setting on the section/customize that lets me choose what device sizes to display. But it seems it not working properly. The mobile slider is just an image with the animated text, since videos dont play on iphone.

I cant send a screenshot cause the updates seemed to have changed things so, but basically, before I had the video sliders that loaded only on desktop and the mobile slider was only for iphone (no videos/static image background).

is that clear? or maybe you know another way to have the image sliders show up on mobiles, i have spent a couple hours tweaking and trying other ways but its not working like it used to.


Hi martian7,

I’m not sure exactly what’s wrong on this page, but I’ve created another testing page -you can find the link in the Secure Note- with two sections (one to appear on Desktop, and another one to appear on Mobile), the way to implement the Revolution Slider is a little bit different here, I’ve used “Content Area” element with your slider shortcodes [rev_slider alias="home"], [rev_slider alias="mobile"]. I confirm this setup is working fine on both Desktop, Mobile.

Could you please try this setup with your current page and recheck the result?

Hint: You can enable the “Skeleton Mode” as in this screenshot to see any hidden section in the viewer:


Hello Alaa,

Ok the mobile version is now loading the mobile slide set only, great.

But, I am also seeing the mobile static background images loading on the desktop version, I have set the breakpoint for the mobile slide to hide on the larger sizes on the customize in skeleton mode, but they are still loading. I would only like the video slides to load on the desktops. Any idea why the breakpoint is not hiding the mobile slides on desktops?

Thank you again.

Hello martian7,

I couldn’t reproduce this issue at my end, I’ve shared a link in the secure note showing how exactly I can see the slider.

Are you sure you have cleared your browser cache? did you try different browsers, including Chrome incognito mode?


Hi Alaa,

Yes, I cleared the cache for Safari, Firefox and Chrome Incognito mode. I still see the mobile slider loading on desktop.

Looks like you are viewing the current live page and not the test page you created though.

Did you make the test page live?


I checked the test page and it seems to be working correctly.

See Video -

I also check in mobile it is working as well.

Are we referring to the same page?


No I am referring to the text link that Alla setup up, see above.

Hi there,

The problem is the Home and Mobile sliders. As you can see the mobile one has the Uncover your Story section too and that is why you have mixed results.

I suggest that you add 2 new sliders and test the case. As soon as you make sure that it is working ok, try to add your sliders from scratch.

before doing so make sure that you update the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version which is released now.

Thank you.

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