Slider Revolution arrows and bullets don't show with negative offset


after launching my website on a SSL-secured domain (and replacing all old paths with https), the only issue I couldn’t resolve yet is the visibility of my navigation on Slider Revolution.

The arrows and bullets are both displayed if I don’t put an offset to them. If I put an -80px offset on both arrows and a -50px offset on the bullets, they disappear. I tried everything in the settings and also searched for my problem here and on Google but couldn’t find anybody else with a similar problem. Please help!

Hey @greatyonder,

It’s because the slider navigation elements are inside the Layer Area and setting an offset pushes them or overflows outside the area. All overflowing elements are hidden by default but you can show them by enabling the Force Overflow Visible under Layout > Advanced Settings.

You can see it’s working in the test page (link in the secure note) I created in your site.

Hope that helps.

You are a legend, thank you! That was too easy :smiley:

Thanks for the kind words, Julia. I agree, Christian is a legend! Glad you’re all sorted!

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