Slider Revolution 6.1.3 Upgrade issues

Since upgrading to Slider Revolution 6.1.3, there is an issue with line-height being set on a layer.

The text element line-height is being set to 25px, causing my text to overlapp/overlay. On the element I’ve tried explicitly setting the line-height but it looks like its being overridden at run time.

Any suggestions?

Hi Eddie,

Thank you for writing in, that 25px line-height is not enough, your text font-size is 140px , the line-height should be greater than or equal to that, else your text/paragraph will overlap (when its wraping). Try to use a unitless value instead like 1.4, which will be multiple to the font size. So, that will be 140px * 1.4 = 196px

More details about line-height here.

Hope it helps,

Hi, yes I appreciate that the line height is too small (it didn’t use to be an issue before the latest upgrade!) but what I can’t see is how to increase it.
My content is as follows:
h1 style=“font-size:10rem; color:#fff;line-height:1;”>RACE

but the inline style is being overridden with line-height:25px.

If I modify it using the style attributes, it’s again ignored.

Any suggestions?

Hi Eddie,

Please provide us login credentials in a secure note so we can take a closer look.


Hi Eddie,

I think it’s content conflict, I’m not sure about it as I’m more confused by version 6+. But please try this, instead of adding this content

<h1 style="font-size:10rem; color:#fff;line-height:1;">RACE<br />SUSPENSION</h1><br />

Just add this


Now, let’s change the container to h1 like this

Then let’s apply the font size 140px and 140px line-height as well.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for figuring this out - what you suggested has worked well for me!
All the best,

You’re most welcome!

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