Slide revolution not working in different screen sizes

I was doing an animation in slider revolution, and I was using the smart resizing tool, once I finish my slide it only work on pc but on smaller screens it went all crazy, some words disappear, there are 7 words that are supposed to be align but they go to random places, then I decided to do it manually configuring the slide for each size and that kinda work but if the screen is a bit bigger or smaller all the words get a bit misaligned, and when someone is using the phone on landscape all the words go to random places and I have no way to fix the slide for a landscape screen, idk what to do
The website is and is the first slide you see
Here are the pictures

Hello @jesusvive053,

Thanks for writing to us.

To make the slider responsive I would suggest you please have a look at these documents.

You can also check the video tutorial as well.

Hope it helps

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