Single product template text spacing


When using a Single Product Layout it condenses the short description into 1 paragraph.

Is there any way around this? Image attached of default view vs Layout:

Another question - there seems to be lots of space around the body content in the Layout Builder. Even when I remove all padding from sections it still contains the layout. Is this because by default it’s set to: Blank - Container, Header, Footer? Is there any way around this too for individual product pages?


Hello Claudio,

Thanks for writing in!

Please edit your WC single layout and make sure that you have inserted the “Product Short Description” dynamic element.

If you want to have the layout as fullwidth, find your Row element settings and make sure to disable the Global Container and set the width/maximum width to 100%.

Best Regards.

Hi @ruenel ,

Please re-read my previous query as this doesn’t answer my points.

The Product Short Description element is already added and the result is the screenshot vs what it’s supposed to look like. As mentioned the spacing goes away and it all gets condensed which looks ugly.

If this is the only way then there is a bug with the layout builder which needs to be addressed.

Second point - There is spacing by default above and below the content that I cannot get rid of as well as to the sides. As mentioned it’s not padding or margins. Setting the row width to 100% doesn’t make it 100% screen width, can you please advise how I would remove the default spacing.

In the screenshot below you can see the excess spacing on the sides WITH 100% row width:


Hey David,

I have replicated the issues you reported on my end, so I’m going to post this in our issue tracker so it will be queued to be investigated by our development team.

Regarding the spaces, it’s the same space that the default layout is using. There’s no option to edit that.

If there’s an update, you can check our Changelog in our Docs to see if the issues are addressed.

Thanks for your feedback.

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