Single portfolio item shows next page button on bottom


We have a portfolio set up with filters. Some filters only have one item in them, and at the bottom of the page there is still an option to go to the next page. But there is no other page in that category to go to, so it ends up going to another unrelated portfolio page, which is very confusing to clients. How can I turn this option off for just that page/category?

Hi Julianne,

Thank you for writing in, sorry that you’re having that issue, I’ve submitted this to our issue tracker so the developers will be made aware of it.


Thanks Friech. Does that mean there is no way to fix this?

Hello Julianne,

Our developers has tagged @Friech’s report as an enhancement feature of the portfolio filter.

By default, the portfolio page will load 24 items regardless of the category. You can filter out the items by category using the filter button. Whenever there is only 1 item or no item loaded in the clicked category, it does not load other items which is not present on the page. You will have to go page 2 and another batch of items is loaded again.

One thing to understand is that the purpose of this button is only to sort portfolio items by category loaded within the page.

Hope this explains it briefly.

Yes, thank you. I am using the filter. What I want to do is remove the option of going to page 2 when there is only 1 item in the category. That’s confusing and makes it look like things on page 2 are also part of that category, but it’s actually page 2 of the overall portfolio. There must be a way to accomplish this, no?

Hi Julianne,

The alternative is using Essential GRID. There is a skin editor that you can use to create the look and style you preferred. Then there is category filter which is your primary requirement. Please check the documentation to see other available features.

Hope this helps.

Hi Lely, thanks for your response. This is not a helpful solution at this point because the portfolio is already created and the items have already been added. I would have to recreate it all over again and I’m sure my client does not want to pay more for that :slight_smile: Is there really no code, nothing you can give me to just turn that off on one page? It doesn’t seem like it would be too complicated, but probably too much for me to figure it out. Any further help you can give is appreciated!


Hello Julianne,

“Is there really no code, nothing you can give me to just turn that off on one page? It doesn’t seem like it would be too complicated, but probably too much for me to figure it out. Any further help you can give is appreciated!”

  • This request needs a custom javascript script that checks the click events in each of the filter button. It will then check the rest of the items and removes the pagination when there is no other items with the selected filter button. Regretfully we cannot give any custom code. This is way beyond the scope of our support. We only cover getting your site setup, bug fixes and minor cosmetic changes. What you have in mind is outside of our support already.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks Ruenel. I hope that in the future this will be added as an option. It seems such a small thing but it’s inconvenient and confusing for our customers.

Thanks again!

Hi Julianne,

We certainly appreciate the feedback! This has now added to our list of feature requests. This way it can be taken into consideration for future development. All of these items are discussed with our team internally and prioritized based on the amount of interest a particular feature might receive.


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