Showing only Categories for posts results

Hi, I am building a blog for a client and am having trouble with the Category list I’m trying to add in a column beside the post list. The posts shown all have the category Newsletter.

I’m currently showing a Terms element in the second column with an All Terms Provider set to Category and the Consumer in the same element set to all. This shows all the categories, not just the ones related to the post in the list.

I’ve tried setting a condition but it doesn’t seem to work.


Hi Darren,

Thanks for reaching out.
The Term element shows the All Terms data. You need to change it to Current Post Terms in the List Item as shown in the given screenshot.

image - 2023-06-23T154904.138

Hope it helps.

Hey Tristup, thanks for replying.

WHen I try using current post terms in the List Item it only brings up 1 term, the first term in the category list and not related to the posts showing in the list!
Screenshot 2023-06-23 at 9.39.08 pm|620x500


Hi Darren,

It seems that the Looper Consumer is not set properly. If that is already set, please provide login credentials for your site in a secure note to examine it further, including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.


Hello @DesignMunky,

We cannot get passed the 2-factor authentication screens. Temporarily deactivate it so that we can log in.


Sorry guys - forgot about that.

Have switched it off now.


Hello @DesignMunky,

Your Row element should be your Looper Consumer.

The Blog index will always display all posts. If you want to exclude or filter one particular category to display in your blog index, please check out this old thread instead:

Best Regards.

Ahhhhh - gotcha!

Many thanks for your help - really appreciate it!


Sorry Ruenel, I spoke too soon.

That’s not really going to work doing it that way. I need to show the Categories and Tags for all posts in the list in one place (like in a side bar or along the top). Wheat you are showing there shows the categories in each post.

Hello @DesignMunky,

In order to display all the post categories I would suggest you please add the Terms element. You may customize the styling as per your design.

About-The-Tests-Page-Cornerstone (19)

In order to display all the post tags I would suggest you please add the Terms element and now you need to go to the List item—>Customize —>Taxonomy—>select as Tag. Please have a look at the given screenshot below.
About-The-Tests-Page-Cornerstone (20)

Hope it helps

Hi Prakesh,

I have been using the Terms element all along.


Hello Darren,

If you want to display all the categories in the sidebar, you can use the Terms element or use a Widget Area element to be able to use the Categories widget in Appearance > Widgets. The problem is that you only want to display certain categories that were assigned to each of the post items displayed on that page. Regretfully we do not have an available element or that feature is not even possible with the default WordPress feature. It may only be possible with custom coding which is beyond the scope of our support already.

Best Regards.

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