Show Post Format on Custom Posts

Is there a way to show the post format meta box on custom post types?

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Hi there,

Yes, although it depends on how the custom post type was registered. Post format support needs to be declared. Here’s some info on how this works from the WordPress codex:

When I add support, I see the box that lets me pick the type. But when I pick the type, I don’t see the additional box appear with all the type-specific options.

Is there a way to get that too?

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Hi there,

Are you referring to some meta box doesn’t appear? Sometimes they are just hidden, please scroll up and find Screen Options on top. Open it and toggled on the feature/meta box that you’re looking.


I’ve added post format support to my custom post type. However, I too do not see the meta boxes for the different post formats. I’ve checked and they are not hidden under Screen Options.

Hi there,

In that case, would you mind providing some details about the meta box that you’re expecting to see? If I’m correct, maybe you’re looking for meta boxes registered by X theme for each post format. That’s because it’s not going to be added in custom post types. But yes, Wordpress’ default meta boxes for post format should be there.

If you’re looking for X theme’s post format meta boxes then I’m afraid, you can only implement it through custom coding. We can’t support custom coding but I can point you out where the code is, or provide some points that you can use as guide.


Ah, that makes sense.

Sure, point me in the direction where I’d impact the custom code. I’m no PHP expert, but usually I can manipulate a starting point if given on.

For instance, if I wanted to show the video meta box, how where would I start?


Hi There,

The code responsible for that can be found on entries.php and setup.php on this folder: wp-content\themes\x\framework\functions\global\admin\meta. Feel free to customize using your child theme. Just note that this particular customization is outside the scope of our support as this is not related to an issue with the theme and instead has to do with your customization of it. As such, you will need to investigate this particular issue on your own or seek help from a developer should you not feel comfortable making these changes yourself. We do have an in-house custom development team that offer paid services, who may be able to assist. They can be contacted at if this is of interest to you. If you have any further questions about the theme, we are more than happy to provide you with assistance on these inquiries.

Thank you for your understanding.

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